Using mobility_pipeline


Getting Shapefiles

Download the shapefile (.shp) from GADM (Database of Global Administrative Areas). After unpacking the zip file, be sure to choose the .shp file that corresponds to the level of admin you want (e.g. states versus counties in the United States).

Next, conver the .shp file into a GeoJSON format via the command line tool ogr2ogr, available by installing GDAL. Then, do the conversion with this command:

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs crs:84 [name].geojson [name].shp

replacing [name] to match your .shp file.


Regardless of what you want to use mobility_pipeline for, you will need to tell it how to find your data. You can do so by adjusting the constants in mobility_pipeline.data_interface. These constants are:

For details on the required formats of these files, see the documentation for data_interface.

Running the Program

There are 2 scripts:

  • run once for each admin level / country you want data for. It will generate the admin-to-tower and tower-to-admin matrices.

  • run for each day’s worth of data. It will compute the admin-to-admin mobility data.

For both scripts, run with --help for more usage information. Both scripts also run independently of the path constants in Instead, they accept command-line arguments that define their operation.

Running Utilities

This program also comes with utilities. These utilities use the constants in for the most part.

Plot Voronoi

To get a sense for what the Voronoi tessellation looks like, you can plot it by running This will display a plot of all the Voronoi cells with the tower positions overlayed. For details, see the documentation for mobility_pipeline.plot_voronoi.

Visualize Overlaps

To see what the overlaps look like, you can see a plot of the shapefile with one Voronoi cell and the admin regions it might overlap with color-coded. The script also prints out the values that would go in the tower-to-admin matrix so you can see what the numbers represent visually. To see the plot, run For details, see mobility_pipeline.visualize_overlaps.

Validate Data File Formats

You can run some checks to provide some assurance that a set of data files are formatted as the program expects. After configuring the data paths as described above, you can run these checks by executing You can also look at the code in this file to see what format the program expects. For details, see mobility_pipeline.check_validation.